Pre Advice Stage
1Triage Stage
When you are referred to Pensionhelp, we ask that you complete the ‘Triage Stage’ of our process. This is an information service which contains generic information. The purpose of this process is to give you enough information so that you can make a decision as to whether it would be in your interests to take financial advice on a transfer of pension benefits.
This involves you watching our triage video, reading our ‘Pre-Advice Information Guide’ and then confirming whether you wish to proceed to the next stage.
2Initial Information Gathering
If you wish to move on from the triage stage, we ask you to book an appointment with one of our initial case handlers and (if you have not done so already) to complete a ‘Confidential Financial Review’. Our case handler will telephone you at the appointed time to ensure that the form is fully completed. We may ask you to start gathering more information during this meeting such as a State Pension Forecast.
Advice Stage
3Detailed Information Gathering
Your case will then be passed over to the advice team. They will contact your existing scheme for any missing information, and they may need to contact you to request further information about your circumstances or to discuss your objectives in more detail. Sometimes they may need to contact you on more than one occasion.
4Personal Fee Confirmation
Once we have all the information we require from you and your existing pension providers, we will be in a position to confirm the charges associated with the advice. We will issue you with a ‘Personalised Charges Document’ it is at this point that you will need to commit to our fee arrangement if you wish to proceed.
5Complete Research and Draft Report
If you agree to proceed, we will continue with our research. If we do not believe a transfer of benefits is in your interest or if we believe things are unclear, we may issue an ‘Abridged Advice’ report to you (this is an abbreviated form of advice for which Pensionhelp do not charge). Alternatively we may draft a ‘Full Advice’ report. We will telephone you at this point to outline our proposed advice and confirm your understanding. This call must take place before we issue our final report.
6Advice Confirmation Call
We will telephone you at this point to outline our proposed advice and confirm your understanding. This call must take place before we issue our final report.
7Report Issue
After we have spoken, we will make any changes to our draft report and then issue our final report with supporting documents to you. In order to go ahead with our advice, you will need to then complete and return all the requested documents to us.
If you decide to transfer we will complete the administration tasks associated with this by sending the relevant forms to your current scheme and your new scheme. Your current scheme has up to 3 months to complete this task.