On occasion we screen out cases where we believe that our service is not suitable.

Our Service Isn’t Right For You If:

  • The transfer value you are offered is under a set amount that we review from time to time. We will let you know what that amount is when we make initial contact with you. If you would like to know before then please do contact us.
  • You are under 50 years old.
  • You are still an active member of the defined benefit scheme.
  • You want to consider buying a commercial property as part of a review and rearrangement of your current pension plans.
  • You’ll have less than eight weeks to accept a transfer value offer made to you by your defined benefit scheme.

It might not be obvious right away if your case falls into one of these categories. If we find out once we have started working with you that it does, we’ll tell you as quickly as possible and you won’t have to pay for the work we’ve done up until then.

Speak To The Pensionhelp Team